Who Invented the Typewriter in 1867?

The first way to write that man had without using a pencil or a pen, was the typewriter, a tool that has existed since the beginning of the year 1700 although it was around for two hundred more years, until obtaining a certain recognition among the public.

The origin of the typewriter comes from the Italian Pellegrino Turri when in 1808 he invented the machine so that blind people could write letters.

Later, in 1829, William Austin Burt applied this concept, known as a “keyboardist” at the time, and tried to patent the machine so that everyone could use it, something that he, unfortunately, failed to do.

As can be seen, there are many people who through the centuries have been behind the creation of the typewriter and if there was an important one, which although he did not create it, helped a lot, it was Samuel Morse, when inventing the electric telegraph, a messaging system through codes that allowed communication without leaving home.

A faster and more mechanical way to write with the invention of this machine.

The Italian Giuseppe Ravizza, created the “cembalo scrivano“, a version of this concept but which did not receive much acceptance either. It was not until 1893 when the idea began to convince, although it is not known specifically

Who Was Responsible For The Invention Of The Typewriter ??

The first successful typewriter The typewriter had transcendental importance for communication during the 19th and 20th centuries since it allowed for the first time to write in a mechanical way and to supplant the slow copyists.

It also granted official status to both political and commercial writings.

The rudimentary machine of this style that was put on sale in 1865 was the one devised by Malling Hansen and was called the “writing ball.”

It was certainly the first step in introducing the most modern machines.

The first successful typewriter was the “sholels and glidden”, as well as being the first to use four rows and the “qwerty ” format.

In any case, nobody really has a patent for this device, but the truth is that at that time it was much more difficult for inventors to do so than today.

The typewriter had many visible flaws in its origins, so it was slower than writing by hand, something that made it not accepted by manufacturers.

But the truth is that this typewriter did not allow to see what a person was writing until a few lines had passed. In 1895 it was when the first ones that allowed to see what one wrote at the time began to be commercialized.

From that moment on, the evolution continued until reaching the touch keyboards that mobile phones have today.

That is why the principle of the typewriter is almost a legend, but whoever paved the way, managed that today we can use it to write.

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