Who Invented The Numbers? The numbers are graphics or representations used in the language to represent quantities, times, frequencies, measurements, among other life events that can be measured in everyday people. The numbers we know and use today are 0.1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,7,8,9, and were invented in India.

The current numbering system is called Arabic numbers or Indian numbers, these were introduced by the Arabs to Europe.

History of the Numbers

The Arabic numeral system is considered to have developed in India between the fifth and eighth centuries. This civilization used as inspiration the Chinese numbering system called Hua Ma, which used 10 as its base, with 9 glyphs as in the Arabic.

The numbers have a shape that is based on angles.

For example, the number 1 has an angle, 2 has two angles, and so on until you reach zero which is the only number that has no angles.

In India, the zero represented by a point was used. Then the Phoenicians began to use Arabic numerals for counting and trading. They put practical use to the existing knowledge of numbers.

Who Invented The Numbers?


In the 10th century, Arabic mathematicians added fractions to the numbering system. Al-Jwarizmi was the author of the book “About the calculations with the numbers of India” in the year 825. This book was really important for the development of mathematics at that time.

Another important work for mathematical science was Al-Kindi’s 4-volume book called “The Use of Indian Numbers”. This book was vital in spreading India’s number system in the Middle East region and then in the West.

The Arabs brought this numbering system to North Africa, then extended it to other areas. In the Middle Ages, its use became popular in Europe and later in its colonies due to the increase in international trade, so it spread to other regions of the world.

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In the ancient Muslim world, only mathematicians used the Arabic number system, not ordinary people. Scientists used the Babylonian system and merchants the Greek and Hebrew systems.

It was a long time before the use of the Arabic numeral system was extended to all populations and social classes.

  • In western literature, the Arabic numerals began to be mentioned in the year 976. In the year 980 Gerberto Aurillac, who later became Pope Sylvester II, spread the Indian number system throughout Europe.
  • An Italian mathematician named Fibonacci wrote a book called Liber Abaci in the year 1202. This book also helped spread the Arabic numbers.
  • In Europe, the Indian number system began to be used in a generalized and unique way, when the printing press was invented in the year 1450.
  • For the 15th century, Arabic numerals were used on a daily basis and replaced Roman numerals.

Roman numerals cease to be used in a massive way since when the Roman Empire fell, the populations that lived in the regions that are part of this territory adopt the Arabic numerals.

The Numbers In Modernity?

Thanks to the existence of the Arabic number system, a great advance in mathematical science was achieved since it was possible to successfully represent quantities and figures, which made calculations easier.

Using Arabic numerals it was possible to develop various mathematical theories. In addition to performing all kinds of complex calculations, which allow developing other sciences such as physics, chemistry, among others.

Furthermore, the Arabic numbering system contributed to and facilitated local and international trade, by all adopting this system.

The Arabic numbering system was very successful since these numbers are still used after so many centuries. The main reason is that it allows you to easily perform operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication compared to Roman numeration, which is more difficult.

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Today in all areas Arabic numerals are used. Only for some very specific situations or scientific areas are Roman numerals or the binary system used for computing.